I'm afraid, the
server-space is not
large enough to list all of them, so here are just some:
Morpheus Board:

I designed it to offer a low cost FPGA board with high speed interface
to an external SDRAM, in particular to a multi-bank SDRAM cluster (to
better serve a multi-threaded processor). Also
a separated data and program interface was important. It worked great
and I had fun challenging the multi-bank access through a parallel data
I stopped working on it, because there is way too much work involved to
provide it to the masses as a low-cost FPGA board. I hope there will be
a professional low-cost FPGA board with an (on-board) RLDRAM, soon.
Including a memory controller, that doesn't eat up half of the FPGA.

I designed a plug-and-play system, which has a higher density than the
PMOD system and allows a (re-)use of the un-used connector pins for
levels of plug-and-play boards. Unfortunately the connectors are not
stable enough to be
used in the field.
I designed a Cortex M3, but then the RISC-V sneaked around the corner.
I use
the Cortex M3 design for comparison, but I doubt, that the RISC-V ISA
is more efficient. Will make some comparisons, once I have the time.
modified: 2017/Dev/19 |