Design for test (DFT)

I am doing research in two DFT related fields:

    - RTL ATPG and
    - Single Cycle Access structures for testing

in order to finally combine these two reseach fields (see below).


In RTL ATPG we derive stuck-at patterns from RTL. With my proposed "
Gate Inherent Faults" solution, you are able to generate 100% stuck-at coverage on gate level with pattern solely generated on RTL for the first time. The following paper covers this:

T. Strauch, "A Novel RTL ATPG Model Based on Gate Inherent Faults (GIF-PO) of Complex Gates"
, 20. Workshop Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen, MBMV 2017, 8-9 February, Bremen, Germany, pp.  117-128

Also submitted to Cornell University Library, 15th December 2016, or here.

Combining RTL with System-Hyper-Pipelining

The goal of this work was to combine the benefit from the additional performance you get from System-Hyper-Pipeling (SHP) with RTL ATPG and SEU detection. The following paper covers this project:

T. Strauch, "Non-interfering On-line and In-field Testing", 35th Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping, 3rd Oct. 2024, Raleigh, NC, USA.

Single Cycle Access Structures

Single Cycle Access Structures - or better known as "Random Access Structures" replace the classical scan based approach with a more memory like single cycle read and write access to individual register lines. In this paper I argue, that my proposed solution can be seen as a reasonable alternative to existing methods:

T. Strauch, "Single Cycle Access Structure for Logic Test", IEEE Transactions on VLSI, vol. 20, no. 5, May 2012, pp. 878-891,

Surprisingly, this paper has been copied over multiple times.

Applying RTL ATPG on a Single Cycle Access Structure

The key goal is now to apply the aforementioned RTL ATPG method on a single cycle Access structure in order to better utilize multi-cycle capture cycles:

T. Strauch, „An RTL ATPG Flow Using the Gate Inherent Fault (GIF) Model Applied on Non-, Standard- and Random-Access-Scan (RAS)“, IEEE Euromicro DSD 2019, 28-30 Aug. 2019, Kallithea, Greece, pp. 51-60 ,

last modified: 2024/January/22